
In Parsl an “app” is a piece of code that can be asynchronously executed on an execution resource. An execution resource in this context is any target system such as a laptop, cluster, cloud, or even supercomputer. Execution on these resources can be performed by a pool of threads, processes, or remote workers.

Parsl apps are defined by annotating Python functions with an app decorator. Currently two types of apps can be defined: Python, with the corresponding @python_app decorator, and Bash, with the corresponding @bash_app decorator. Python apps encapsulate pure Python code, while Bash apps wrap calls to external applications and scripts.

Python Apps

The following code snippet shows a Python function double(x: int), used to double the input value. This function is defined as a Parsl app using the @python_app decorator.

Python apps are pure Python functions. As these functions are executed asynchronously, and potentially remotely, it is important to note that they must explicitly import any required modules and act only on defined input arguments (i.e., they cannot include variables used elsewhere in the script).

def double(x):
      return x * 2


Python apps may also act upon files. In order to make Parsl aware of these files they must be defined using the inputs or outputs keyword arguments. The following code snippet illustrates how the contents of one file can be copied to another.

def echo(inputs=[], outputs=[]):
      with open(inputs[0], 'r') as in_file, open(outputs[0], 'w') as out_file:

echo(inputs=[in.txt], outputs=[out.txt])


There are limitations on what Python functions can be converted to apps:

  1. Functions should act only on defined input arguments.
  2. Functions must explicitly import any required modules.
  3. Functions should not use script-level or global variables.
  4. Parsl uses cloudpickle and pickle to serialize Python objects to/from functions. Therefore, Python apps can only use input and output objects that can be serialized by cloudpickle or pickle.
  5. STDOUT and STDERR produced by Python apps remotely are not captured.

Special Keyword Arguments

Any Parsl app (a Python function decorated with the @python_app or @bash_app decorator) can use the following special reserved keyword arguments.

  1. inputs: (list) This keyword argument defines a list of input Futures. Parsl will establish a dependency on these inputs and wait for the results of these futures to be resolved before execution. This is useful if one wishes to pass in an arbitrary number of futures at call time; note that if Futures are passed as positional arguments, they will also be resolved before execution.
  2. outputs: (list) This keyword argument defines a list of output Futures that will be produced by this app. Parsl will track these files and ensure they are correctly created. They can then be passed to other apps as input arguments.
  3. walltime: (int) If the app runs longer than walltime seconds, a will be raised.


A Python app returns an AppFuture that is a proxy for the results that will be returned by the app once it is executed. This future itself holds the python object(s) returned by the app. In case of an error or app failure, the future holds the exception raised by the app.

Bash Apps

Parsl’s Bash app is used to wrap the execution of external applications from the command-line. It can also be used to execute Bash scripts directly. To define a Bash app the wrapped Python function must return the command-line string to be executed.

The following code snippet shows a Bash app that will print a message to stdout. Any command-line invocation represented by an arbitrarily long string can be returned by a function decorated within a @bash_app to be executed. Unlike Python apps, Bash apps cannot return Python objects, instead they communicate by passing files. The decorated @bash_app function provides the same inputs and outputs keyword arguments to manage input and output files. It also includes keyword arguments for capturing the STDOUT and STDERR streams and recording them in files that are managed by Parsl.

def echo_hello(stderr='std.err', stdout='std.out'):
    return 'echo "Hello World!"'

# echo_hello() when called will execute the string it returns, creating an std.out file with
# the contents "Hello World!"


The following limitations apply to Bash apps:

  1. Environment variables are not yet supported.

Special Keywords

  1. inputs: (list) A list of input Futures on which to wait before execution.
  2. outputs: (list) A list of output Futures that will be created by the app.
  3. stdout: (string or parsl.AUTO_LOGNAME) The path to a file to which standard output should be redirected. If set to parsl.AUTO_LOGNAME, the log will be automatically named according to task id and saved under task_logs in the run directory.
  4. stderr: (string or parsl.AUTO_LOGNAME) The path to a file to which standard error should be redirected. If set to parsl.AUTO_LOGNAME, the log will be automatically named according to task id and saved under task_logs in the run directory.
  5. label: (string) If the app is invoked with stdout=parsl.AUTO_LOGNAME or stderr=parsl.AUTO_LOGNAME, append label to the log name.

A Bash app allows for the composition of the string to execute on the command-line from the arguments passed to the decorated function. The string that is returned is formatted by the Python string format (PEP 3101).

def echo(arg, inputs=[], stderr=parsl.AUTO_LOGNAME, stdout=parsl.AUTO_LOGNAME):
    return 'echo {} {} {}'.format(arg, inputs[0], inputs[1])

future = echo('Hello', inputs=['World', '!'])
future.result() # block until task has completed

with open(future.stdout, 'r') as f:
    print( # prints "Hello World !"


A Bash app returns an AppFuture just like a Python app; however the value returned inside the AppFuture has no real meaning.

If a bash app exits with unix exit code 0, then the AppFuture will complete. If a bash app exits with any other code, this will be treated as a failure, and the AppFuture will instead contain an AppFailure exception. The unix edit code can be accessed through the exitcode attribute of that AppFailure.