Data management

Parsl is designed to enable implementation of dataflow patterns in which data passed between apps manages the flow of execution. Dataflow programming models are popular as they can cleanly express, via implicit parallelism, opportunities for concurrent execution.

Parsl aims to abstract not only parallel execution but also execution location, which in turn requires data location abstraction. This is crucial as it allows scripts to execute in different locations without regard for data location. Parsl implements a flexible file abstraction that can be used to reference data irrespective of its location. At present this model supports local files as well as files accessible via FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, and Globus.


The File class abstracts the file access layer. Irrespective of where the script or its apps are executed, Parsl uses this abstraction to access that file. When referencing a Parsl file in an app, Parsl maps the object to the appropriate access path according to the selected URL scheme: Local, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS and Globus.


The file scheme is used to reference local files. A file using the local file scheme must specify the absolute file path, for example:


The file may then be passed as input or output to an app. The following example executes the cat command on a local file:

def cat(inputs=[], stdout='stdout.txt'):
     return 'cat %s' % (inputs[0])

# create a test file
open('/tmp/test.txt', 'w').write('Hello\n')

# create the Parsl file
parsl_file = File('file:///tmp/test.txt')

# call the cat app with the Parsl file


File objects with FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS schemes represent remote files on FTP, HTTP and HTTPS servers, respectively.The following example defines a file accessible on a remote FTP server.


When such a file object is passed as an input to an app, Parsl will download the file to the executor where the app is scheduled for execution. The following example illustrates how the remote file is implicitly downloaded from an FTP server and then converted. Note: the app does not need to know the local location of the downloaded file as Parsl abstracts this translation.

def convert(inputs=[], outputs=[]):
    with open(inputs[0].filepath, 'r') as inp:
        content =
        with open(outputs[0].filepath, 'w') as out:

# create an remote Parsl file
inp = File('')

# create a local Parsl file
out = File('file:///tmp/ARIN-STATS-FORMAT-CHANGE.txt')

# call the convert app with the Parsl file
f = convert(inputs=[inp], outputs=[out])


The Globus scheme is used to reference files that can be accessed using Globus (a guide to using Globus is available here). A file using the Globus scheme must specify the UUID of the Globus endpoint and a path to the file on the endpoint, for example:


Note: the Globus endpoint UUID can be found in the Globus Manage Endpoints page.

When Globus files are passed as inputs or outputs to/from an app, Parsl stage the files to/from the remote executor using Globus. The staging occurs implicitly. That is, Parsl is responsible for transferring the input file from the Globus endpoint to the executor, or transferring the output file from the executor to the Globus endpoint. Parsl scripts may combine staging of files in and out of apps. For example, the following script stages a file from a remote Globus endpoint, it then sorts the strings in that file, and stages the sorted output file to another remote endpoint.

def sort_strings(inputs=[], outputs=[]):
    with open(inputs[0].filepath, 'r') as u:
        strs = u.readlines()
        with open(outputs[0].filepath, 'w') as s:
            for e in strs:

unsorted_file = File('globus://037f054a-15cf-11e8-b611-0ac6873fc732/unsorted.txt')
sorted_file = File ('globus://ddb59aef-6d04-11e5-ba46-22000b92c6ec/sorted.txt')

f = sort_strings(inputs=[unsorted_file], outputs=[sorted_file])


In order to manage where data is staged users may configure the default working_dir on a remote executor. This is passed to the ParslExecutor via the working_dir parameter in the Config instance. For example:

from parsl.config import Config
from parsl.executors.ipp import IPyParallelExecutor

config = Config(

When using the Globus scheme Parsl requires knowledge of the Globus endpoint that is associated with an executor. This is done by specifying the endpoint_name (the UUID of the Globus endpoint that is associated with the system) in the configuration.

In some cases, for example when using a Globus shared endpoint or when a Globus endpoint is mounted on a supercomputer, the path seen by Globus is not the same as the local path seen by Parsl. In this case the configuration may optionally specify a mapping between the endpoint_path (the common root path seen in Globus), and the local_path (the common root path on the local file system). In most cases endpoint_path and local_path are the same.

from parsl.config import Config
from parsl.executors.ipp import IPyParallelExecutor
from parsl.data_provider.globus import GlobusStaging
from parsl.data_provider.data_manager import default_staging

config = Config(
            storage_access=default_staging + [GlobusStaging(


In order to interact with Globus, you must be authorised. The first time that you use Globus with Parsl, prompts will take you through an authorization procedure involving your web browser. You can authorize without having to run a script (for example, if you’re running your script in a batch system where it will be unattended) by running this command line:

$ parsl-globus-auth
Parsl Globus command-line authoriser
If authorisation to Globus is necessary, the library will prompt you now.
Otherwise it will do nothing
Authorization complete


rsync can be used to transfer files in the file: scheme in configurations where workers cannot access the submit side filesystem directly, such as when executing on an AWS EC2 instance.


rsync must be installed on both the submit and worker side. It can usually be installed using the operating system package manager - for example apt-get install rsync.

The parameter to RSyncStaging should describe the prefix to be passed to each rsync command to connect from workers to the submit side host. This will often be the username and public IP address of the submitting system.

from parsl.data_provider.rsync import RSyncStaging

config = Config(
            storage_access=[HTTPInTaskStaging(), FTPInTaskStaging(), RSyncStaging("benc@" + public_ip)],


The rsync staging provider delegates all authentication and authorization to the underlying rsync command. This command must be correctly authorized to connect back to the submitting system. The form of this authorization will depend on the systems in question.

This example installs an ssh key from the submit side filesystem and turns off host key checking, in the worker_init initialization of an EC2 instance. The ssh key must have sufficient privileges to run rsync over ssh on the submitting system.

with open("rsync-callback-ssh", "r") as f:
    private_key =

ssh_init = """
mkdir .ssh
chmod go-rwx .ssh

cat > .ssh/id_rsa <<EOF

cat > .ssh/config <<EOF
Host *
  StrictHostKeyChecking no

chmod go-rwx .ssh/id_rsa
chmod go-rwx .ssh/config


config = Config(
            storage_access=[HTTPInTaskStaging(), FTPInTaskStaging(), RSyncStaging("benc@" + public_ip)],
            worker_init = ssh_init
