
class parsl.providers.GridEngineProvider(channel=LocalChannel(envs={}, script_dir=None, userhome='/home/docs/checkouts/'), nodes_per_block=1, init_blocks=1, min_blocks=0, max_blocks=1, parallelism=1, walltime='00:10:00', scheduler_options='', worker_init='', launcher=SingleNodeLauncher(debug=True, fail_on_any=False), cmd_timeout: int = 60, queue=None)[source]

A provider for the Grid Engine scheduler.

  • channel (Channel) – Channel for accessing this provider. Possible channels include LocalChannel (the default), SSHChannel, or SSHInteractiveLoginChannel.

  • nodes_per_block (int) – Nodes to provision per block.

  • min_blocks (int) – Minimum number of blocks to maintain.

  • max_blocks (int) – Maximum number of blocks to maintain.

  • parallelism (float) – Ratio of provisioned task slots to active tasks. A parallelism value of 1 represents aggressive scaling where as many resources as possible are used; parallelism close to 0 represents the opposite situation in which as few resources as possible (i.e., min_blocks) are used.

  • walltime (str) – Walltime requested per block in HH:MM:SS.

  • scheduler_options (str) – String to prepend to the #$$ blocks in the submit script to the scheduler.

  • worker_init (str) – Command to be run before starting a worker, such as ‘module load Anaconda; source activate env’.

  • launcher (Launcher) – Launcher for this provider. Possible launchers include SingleNodeLauncher (the default),

  • cmd_timeout (int) – Timeout for commands made to the scheduler in seconds

__init__(channel=LocalChannel(envs={}, script_dir=None, userhome='/home/docs/checkouts/'), nodes_per_block=1, init_blocks=1, min_blocks=0, max_blocks=1, parallelism=1, walltime='00:10:00', scheduler_options='', worker_init='', launcher=SingleNodeLauncher(debug=True, fail_on_any=False), cmd_timeout: int = 60, queue=None)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__([channel, nodes_per_block, …])

Initialize self.


Cancels the resources identified by the job_ids provided by the user.

execute_wait(cmd[, timeout])

get_configs(command, tasks_per_node)

Compose a dictionary with information for writing the submit script.


Get the status of a list of jobs identified by the job identifiers returned from the submit request.

submit(command, tasks_per_node[, job_name])

The submit method takes the command string to be executed upon instantiation of a resource most often to start a pilot (such as IPP engine or even Swift-T engines).



Number of cores to provision per node.


Provides the label for this provider


Real memory to provision per node in GB.


Returns the interval, in seconds, at which the status method should be called.