Example parallel patterns
Parsl can be used to implement a wide range of parallel programming patterns, from bag of tasks through to nested workflows. Parsl implicitly assembles a dataflow dependency graph based on the data shared between apps. The flexibility of this model allows for the implementation of a wide range of parallel programming and workflow patterns.
Parsl is also designed to address broad execution requirements, from programs that run many short tasks to those that run a few long tasks.
Below we illustrate a range of parallel programming and workflow patterns. It is important to note that this set of examples is by no means comprehensive.
Bag of Tasks
Parsl can be used to execute a large bag of tasks. In this case, Parsl assembles the set of tasks (represented as Parsl apps) and manages their concurrent execution on available resources.
from parsl import python_app
# Map function that returns double the input integer
def app_random():
import random
return random.random()
results = []
for i in range(0, 10):
x = app_random()
for r in results:
Sequential workflows
Sequential workflows can be created by passing an AppFuture from one task to another. For example, in the following program the generate
app (a Python app) generates a random number that is consumed by the save
app (a Bash app), which writes it to a file. Because save
cannot execute until it receives the message
produced by generate
, the two apps execute in sequence.
from parsl import python_app
# Generate a random number
def generate(limit):
from random import randint
"""Generate a random integer and return it"""
return randint(1, limit)
# Write a message to a file
def save(message, outputs=()):
return 'echo {} &> {}'.format(message, outputs[0])
message = generate(10)
saved = save(message, outputs=['output.txt'])
with open(saved.outputs[0].result(), 'r') as f:
Parallel workflows
Parallel execution occurs automatically in Parsl, respecting dependencies among app executions. In the following example, three instances of the wait_sleep_double
app are created. The first two execute concurrently, as they have no dependencies; the third must wait until the first two complete and thus the doubled_x
and doubled_y
futures have values. Note that this sequencing occurs even though wait_sleep_double
does not in fact use its second and third arguments.
from parsl import python_app
def wait_sleep_double(x, foo_1, foo_2):
import time
time.sleep(2) # Sleep for 2 seconds
return x*2
# Launch two apps, which will execute in parallel, since they do not have to
# wait on any futures
doubled_x = wait_sleep_double(10, None, None)
doubled_y = wait_sleep_double(10, None, None)
# The third app depends on the first two:
# doubled_x doubled_y (2 s)
# \ /
# doublex_z (2 s)
doubled_z = wait_sleep_double(10, doubled_x, doubled_y)
# doubled_z will be done in ~4s
Parallel workflows with loops
A common approach to executing Parsl apps in parallel is via loops. The following example uses a loop to create many random numbers in parallel.
from parsl import python_app
def generate(limit):
"""Generate a random integer and return it"""
from random import randint
return randint(1, limit)
rand_nums = []
for i in range(1,5):
# Wait for all apps to finish and collect the results
outputs = [r.result() for r in rand_nums]
The ParslPoolExecutor
simplifies this pattern using the same interface as
Python’s native Executors.
from parsl.concurrent import ParslPoolExecutor
from parsl.configs.htex_local import config
# NOTE: Functions used by the ParslPoolExecutor do _not_ use decorators
def generate(limit):
"""Generate a random integer and return it"""
from random import randint
return randint(1, limit)
with ParslPoolExecutor(config) as pool:
outputs = pool.map(generate, range(1, 5))
In the preceding example, the execution of different tasks is coordinated by passing Python objects from producers to consumers.
In other cases, it can be convenient to pass data in files, as in the following reformulation. Here, a set of files, each with a random number, is created by the generate
app. These files are then concatenated into a single file, which is subsequently used to compute the sum of all numbers.
from parsl import python_app, bash_app
def generate(outputs=()):
return 'echo $(( RANDOM % (10 - 5 + 1 ) + 5 )) &> {}'.format(outputs[0])
def concat(inputs=(), outputs=(), stdout='stdout.txt', stderr='stderr.txt'):
return 'cat {0} >> {1}'.format(' '.join(inputs), outputs[0])
def total(inputs=()):
total = 0
with open(inputs[0].filepath, 'r') as f:
for l in f:
total += int(l)
return total
# Create 5 files with random numbers
output_files = []
for i in range (5):
output_files.append(generate(outputs=['random-%s.txt' % i]))
# Concatenate the files into a single file
cc = concat(inputs=[i.outputs[0] for i in output_files], outputs=['all.txt'])
# Calculate the average of the random numbers
totals = total(inputs=[cc.outputs[0]])
MapReduce is a common pattern used in data analytics. It is composed of a map phase that filters values and a reduce phase that aggregates values. The following example demonstrates how Parsl can be used to specify a MapReduce computation in which the map phase doubles a set of input integers and the reduce phase computes the sum of those results.
from parsl import python_app
# Map function that returns double the input integer
def app_double(x):
return x*2
# Reduce function that returns the sum of a list
def app_sum(inputs=()):
return sum(inputs)
# Create a list of integers
items = range(0,4)
# Map phase: apply the double *app* function to each item in list
mapped_results = []
for i in items:
x = app_double(i)
# Reduce phase: apply the sum *app* function to the set of results
total = app_sum(inputs=mapped_results)
The program first defines two Parsl apps, app_double
and app_sum
It then makes calls to the app_double
app with a set of input
values. It then passes the results from app_double
to the app_sum
to aggregate values into a single result.
These tasks execute concurrently, synchronized by the mapped_results
The following figure shows the resulting task graph.

Caching expensive initialisation between tasks
Many tasks in workflows require a expensive “initialization” steps that, once performed, can be used across successive invocations for that task. For example, you may want to reuse a machine learning model for multiple interface tasks and avoid loading it onto GPUs more than once.
This ExaWorks tutorial gives examples of how to do this.
Other useful patterns
This section is intended to list some patterns which are not to do with parallelism and concurrency, but still might be useful in parsl workflows
Environment wrappers for bash_apps
This usecase comes from DESC DRP v2.
Sometimes a bash app command must be run in a particular environment, for example, inside a container started by shifter or singularity. [TODO URLs for those two]
So although the app commandline might look like:
myscience input.txt 5 10