- class parsl.executors.taskvine.TaskVineManagerConfig(port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None, project_password_file: str | None = None, env_vars: dict | None = None, init_command: str = '', env_pack: str | None = None, app_pack: bool = False, extra_pkgs: list | None = None, max_retries: int = 1, library_config: dict | None = None, shared_fs: bool = False, autolabel: bool = False, autolabel_algorithm: str = 'max-xput', autolabel_window: int | None = None, autocategory: bool = True, enable_peer_transfers: bool = True, wait_for_workers: int | None = None, tune_parameters: dict | None = None, vine_log_dir: str | None = None)[source]
Configuration of a TaskVine manager
- Parameters:
port (int) – Network port for the manager to communicate with workers. A value of 0 means TaskVine chooses any available port. Default is VINE_DEFAULT_PORT.
address (Optional[str]) – Address of the local machine. If None,
will be used to determine the address.project_name (Optional[str]) – If given, TaskVine will periodically report its status and performance back to the global TaskVine catalog at Recommended mode of communication between manager and workers. Default is None. Overrides address.
project_password_file (Optional[str]) – If given, manager and workers will authenticate each other with the given password file. Default is None.
env_vars (Optional[dict]) – Dictionary of environment variables to set in a shell before executing a task. Default is None
init_command (str) – Command line to run before executing a task in a worker. Default is ‘’.
env_pack (Optional[str]) – Used to encapsulate package dependencies of tasks to execute them remotely without needing a shared filesystem. Recommended way to manage tasks’ dependency requirements. All tasks will be executed in the encapsulated environment. If an absolute path to a conda environment or a conda environment name is given, TaskVine will package the conda environment in a tarball and send it along with tasks to be executed in a replicated conda environment. If a tarball of packages (
) is given, TaskVine skips the packaging step and sends the tarball along with tasks to be executed in a replicated conda environment.app_pack (bool) – Use conda-pack to prepare a self-contained Python environment for each app. Enabling this increases first task latency but does not require a common environment or a shared filesystem on workers. If env_pack is specified, app_pack if set to True will override env_pack. Default is False.
extra_pkgs (Optional[list]) – Used when app_pack is True. List of extra pip/conda package names to include when packing the environment. Useful when app executes other (possibly non-Python) programs provided via pip or conda. Default is None.
max_retries (int) – Set the number of retries that TaskVine will make when a task fails. This is distinct from Parsl level retries configured in parsl.config.Config. Set to None to allow TaskVine to retry tasks forever. Default is 1.
library_config (Optional[dict]) – Only and must specify when functions are executed in the serverless mode. Configure the number of function slots and amount of resources a library task can run. A library task is a stateful object that executes functions in the serverless way. Accept the following keywords: ‘num_slots’, ‘cores’, ‘memory (MBs)’, ‘disk (MBs)’. Default is {‘num_slots’: 1, ‘cores’: None, ‘memory’: None, ‘disk’: None}, which will take all resources of a worker node and run at most 1 function invocation at any given time. E.g., {‘num_slots’: 4, ‘cores’: 16, ‘memory’: 16000, ‘disk’: 16000} will reserve those resources to the library task to run at most 4 function invocations.
shared_fs (bool) – Whether workers will use a shared filesystem or not. If so, TaskVine will not track and transfer files for execution, in exchange for I/O pressure on the shared filesystem. Default is False.
autolabel (bool) – Use the Resource Monitor to automatically determine resource labels based on observed task behavior. Default is False.
autolabel_window (Optional[int]) – Set the number of tasks considered for autolabeling. TaskVine will wait for a series of N tasks with steady resource requirements before making a decision on labels. Increasing this parameter will reduce the number of failed tasks due to resource exhaustion when autolabeling, at the cost of increased resources spent collecting stats.
autolabel_algorithm (str) – Choose an autolabeling algorithm to label resources to tasks. ‘max-xput’: smartly guess a resource value, then fall back if task fails due to overconsumption. ‘bucketing’: group tasks into buckets based on resource consumption similarity, and randomly choose a bucket to assign resources to the next task. ‘max’: always allocate max resources seen so far. Allocate a whole machine if task fails. Default is max-xput.
autolabel_window – Only apply to ‘max-xput’ and ‘max’. Set the number of tasks considered for autolabeling. TaskVine will wait for a series of N tasks with steady resource requirements before making a decision on labels. Increasing this parameter will reduce the number of failed tasks due to resource exhaustion when autolabeling, at the cost of increased resources spent collecting stats.
autocategory (bool) – Place each app in its own category by default. If all invocations of an app have similar performance characteristics, this will provide a reasonable set of categories automatically. Default is True.
enable_peer_transfers (bool) – Whether to enable workers’ capability to transfer files among themselves or not. Helpful if TaskVine manages all files tasks in the workflow use. Require that workers can communicate with each other via TCP ports. Default is True.
wait_for_workers (Optional[int]) – Number of workers to wait for before the manager starts sending tasks for execution.
vine_log_dir (Optional[str]) – Directory to store TaskVine logging facilities. Default is None, in which all TaskVine logs will be contained in the Parsl logging directory.
tune_parameters (Optional[dict]) – Extended vine_tune parameters, expressed in a dictionary by { ‘tune-parameter’ : value }.
- __init__(port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None, project_password_file: str | None = None, env_vars: dict | None = None, init_command: str = '', env_pack: str | None = None, app_pack: bool = False, extra_pkgs: list | None = None, max_retries: int = 1, library_config: dict | None = None, shared_fs: bool = False, autolabel: bool = False, autolabel_algorithm: str = 'max-xput', autolabel_window: int | None = None, autocategory: bool = True, enable_peer_transfers: bool = True, wait_for_workers: int | None = None, tune_parameters: dict | None = None, vine_log_dir: str | None = None) None [source]
([port, address, project_name, ...])Attributes