
Workload resource requirements often vary over time. For example, in the map-reduce paradigm the map phase may require more resources than the reduce phase. In general, reserving sufficient resources for the widest parallelism will result in underutilization during periods of lower load; conversely, reserving minimal resources for the thinnest parallelism will lead to optimal utilization but also extended execution time. Even simple bag-of-task applications may have tasks of different durations, leading to trailing tasks with a thin workload.

To address dynamic workload requirements, Parsl implements a cloud-like elasticity model in which resource blocks are provisioned/deprovisioned in response to workload pressure. Given the general nature of the implementation, Parsl can provide elastic execution on clouds, clusters, and supercomputers. Of course, in an HPC setting, elasticity may be complicated by queue delays.

Parsl’s elasticity model includes a flow control system that monitors outstanding tasks and available compute capacity. This flow control monitor determines when to trigger scaling (in or out) events to match workload needs.

The animated diagram below shows how blocks are elastically managed within an executor. The Parsl configuration for an executor defines the minimum, maximum, and initial number of blocks to be used.


The configuration options for specifying elasticity bounds are:

  1. min_blocks: Minimum number of blocks to maintain per executor.

  2. init_blocks: Initial number of blocks to provision at initialization of workflow.

  3. max_blocks: Maximum number of blocks that can be active per executor.


Parsl provides a user-managed model for controlling elasticity. In addition to setting the minimum and maximum number of blocks to be provisioned, users can also define the desired level of parallelism by setting a parameter (p). Parallelism is expressed as the ratio of task execution capacity to the sum of running tasks and available tasks (tasks with their dependencies met, but waiting for execution). A parallelism value of 1 represents aggressive scaling where the maximum resources needed are used (i.e., max_blocks); parallelism close to 0 represents the opposite situation in which as few resources as possible (i.e., min_blocks) are used. By selecting a fraction between 0 and 1, the provisioning aggressiveness can be controlled.

For example:

  • When p = 0: Use the fewest resources possible. If there is no workload then no blocks will be provisioned, otherwise the fewest blocks specified (e.g., min_blocks, or 1 if min_blocks is set to 0) will be provisioned.

if active_tasks == 0:
    blocks = min_blocks
    blocks = max(min_blocks, 1)
  • When p = 1: Use as many resources as possible. Provision sufficient nodes to execute all running and available tasks concurrently up to the max_blocks specified.

blocks = min(max_blocks,
             ceil((running_tasks + available_tasks) / (workers_per_node * nodes_per_block))
  • When p = 1/2: Queue up to 2 tasks per worker before requesting a new block.


The example below shows how elasticity and parallelism can be configured. Here, a parsl.executors.HighThroughputExecutor is used with a minimum of 1 block and a maximum of 2 blocks, where each block may host up to 2 workers per node. Thus this setup is capable of servicing 2 tasks concurrently. Parallelism of 0.5 means that when more than 2 * the total task capacity (i.e., 4 tasks) are queued a new block will be requested. An example Config is:

from parsl.config import Config
from libsubmit.providers.local.local import Local
from parsl.executors import HighThroughputExecutor

config = Config(

The animated diagram below illustrates the behavior of this executor. In the diagram, the tasks are allocated to the first block, until 5 tasks are submitted. At this stage, as more than double the available task capacity is used, Parsl provisions a new block for executing the remaining tasks.
