Contemporary computing environments may include a wide range of computational platforms or execution providers, from laptops and PCs to various clusters, supercomputers, and cloud computing platforms. Different execution providers may require or allow for the use of different execution models, such as threads (for efficient parallel execution on a multicore processor), processes, and pilot jobs for running many small tasks on a large parallel system.
Parsl is designed to abstract these low-level details so that an identical Parsl program can run unchanged on different platforms or across multiple platforms. To this end, Parsl uses a configuration file to specify which execution provider(s) and execution model(s) to use. Parsl provides a high level abstraction, called a block, for providing a uniform description of a compute resource irrespective of the specific execution provider.
Refer to Configuring Parsl for information on how to configure the various components described below for specific scenarios.
Execution providers
Clouds, supercomputers, and local PCs offer vastly different modes of access. To overcome these differences, and present a single uniform interface, Parsl implements a simple provider abstraction. This abstraction is key to Parsl’s ability to enable scripts to be moved between resources. The provider interface exposes three core actions: submit a job for execution (e.g., sbatch for the Slurm resource manager), retrieve the status of an allocation (e.g., squeue), and cancel a running job (e.g., scancel). Parsl implements providers for local execution (fork), for various cloud platforms using cloud-specific APIs, and for clusters and supercomputers that use a Local Resource Manager (LRM) to manage access to resources, such as Slurm and HTCondor.
Each provider implementation may allow users to specify additional parameters for further configuration. Parameters are generally mapped to LRM submission script or cloud API options. Examples of LRM-specific options are partition, wall clock time, scheduler options (e.g., #SBATCH arguments for Slurm), and worker initialization commands (e.g., loading a conda environment). Cloud parameters include access keys, instance type, and spot bid price
Parsl currently supports the following providers:
: The provider allows you to run locally on your laptop or workstation.parsl.providers.SlurmProvider
: This provider allows you to schedule resources via the Slurm scheduler.parsl.providers.CondorProvider
: This provider allows you to schedule resources via the Condor scheduler.parsl.providers.GridEngineProvider
: This provider allows you to schedule resources via the GridEngine scheduler.parsl.providers.TorqueProvider
: This provider allows you to schedule resources via the Torque scheduler.parsl.providers.AWSProvider
: This provider allows you to provision and manage cloud nodes from Amazon Web Services.parsl.providers.GoogleCloudProvider
: This provider allows you to provision and manage cloud nodes from Google Cloud.parsl.providers.KubernetesProvider
: This provider allows you to provision and manage containers on a Kubernetes cluster.parsl.providers.LSFProvider
: This provider allows you to schedule resources via IBM’s LSF scheduler.
Parsl programs vary widely in terms of their execution requirements. Individual Apps may run for milliseconds or days, and available parallelism can vary between none for sequential programs to millions for “pleasingly parallel” programs. Parsl executors, as the name suggests, execute Apps on one or more target execution resources such as multi-core workstations, clouds, or supercomputers. As it appears infeasible to implement a single execution strategy that will meet so many diverse requirements on such varied platforms, Parsl provides a modular executor interface and a collection of executors that are tuned for common execution patterns.
Parsl executors extend the Executor class offered by Python’s concurrent.futures library, which allows Parsl to use existing solutions in the Python Standard Library (e.g., ThreadPoolExecutor) and from other packages such as Work Queue. Parsl extends the concurrent.futures executor interface to support additional capabilities such as automatic scaling of execution resources, monitoring, deferred initialization, and methods to set working directories. All executors share a common execution kernel that is responsible for deserializing the task (i.e., the App and its input arguments) and executing the task in a sandboxed Python environment.
Parsl currently supports the following executors:
: This executor supports multi-thread execution on local resources.parsl.executors.HighThroughputExecutor
: This executor implements hierarchical scheduling and batching using a pilot job model to deliver high throughput task execution on up to 4000 Nodes.parsl.executors.WorkQueueExecutor
: This executor integrates Work Queue as an execution backend. Work Queue scales to tens of thousands of cores and implements reliable execution of tasks with dynamic resource sizing.
4. parsl.executors.taskvine.TaskVineExecutor
: This executor uses TaskVine as the execution backend. TaskVine scales up to tens of thousands of cores and actively uses local storage on compute nodes to offer a diverse array of performance-oriented features, including: smart caching and sharing common large files between tasks and compute nodes, reliable execution of tasks, dynamic resource sizing, automatic Python environment detection and sharing.
These executors cover a broad range of execution requirements. As with other Parsl components, there is a standard interface (ParslExecutor) that can be implemented to add support for other executors.
Refer to Configuring Parsl for information on how to configure these executors.
Many LRMs offer mechanisms for spawning applications across nodes inside a single job and for specifying the resources and task placement information needed to execute that application at launch time. Common mechanisms include srun (for Slurm), aprun (for Crays), and mpirun (for MPI). Thus, to run Parsl programs on such systems, we typically want first to request a large number of nodes and then to launch “pilot job” or worker processes using the system launchers. Parsl’s Launcher abstraction enables Parsl programs to use these system-specific launcher systems to start workers across cores and nodes.
Parsl currently supports the following set of launchers:
: Srun based launcher for Slurm based systems.parsl.launchers.AprunLauncher
: Aprun based launcher for Crays.parsl.launchers.SrunMPILauncher
: Launcher for launching MPI applications with Srun.parsl.launchers.GnuParallelLauncher
: Launcher using GNU parallel to launch workers across nodes and cores.parsl.launchers.MpiExecLauncher
: Uses Mpiexec to launch.parsl.launchers.SimpleLauncher
: The launcher default to a single worker launch.parsl.launchers.SingleNodeLauncher
: This launcher launchesworkers_per_node
count workers on a single node.
Additionally, the launcher interface can be used to implement specialized behaviors
in custom environments (for example, to
launch node processes inside containers with customized environments).
For example, the following launcher uses Srun to launch worker-wrapper
, passing the
command to be run as parameters to worker-wrapper
. It is the responsibility of worker-wrapper
to launch the command it is given inside the appropriate environment.
class MyShifterSRunLauncher:
def __init__(self):
self.srun_launcher = SrunLauncher()
def __call__(self, command, tasks_per_node, nodes_per_block):
new_command="worker-wrapper {}".format(command)
return self.srun_launcher(new_command, tasks_per_node, nodes_per_block)
One challenge when making use of heterogeneous execution resource types is the need to provide a uniform representation of resources. Consider that single requests on clouds return individual nodes, clusters and supercomputers provide batches of nodes, grids provide cores, and workstations provide a single multicore node
Parsl defines a resource abstraction called a block as the most basic unit of resources to be acquired from a provider. A block contains one or more nodes and maps to the different provider abstractions. In a cluster, a block corresponds to a single allocation request to a scheduler. In a cloud, a block corresponds to a single API request for one or more instances. Parsl can then execute tasks (instances of apps) within and across (e.g., for MPI jobs) nodes within a block. Blocks are also used as the basis for elasticity on batch scheduling systems (see Elasticity below). Three different examples of block configurations are shown below.
A single block comprised of a node executing one task:
A single block with one node executing several tasks. This configuration is most suitable for single threaded apps running on multicore target systems. The number of tasks executed concurrently is proportional to the number of cores available on the system.
A block comprised of several nodes and executing several tasks, where a task can span multiple nodes. This configuration is generally used by MPI applications. Starting a task requires using a specific MPI launcher that is supported on the target system (e.g., aprun, srun, mpirun, mpiexec). The MPI Apps documentation page describes how to configure Parsl for this case.
The configuration options for specifying the shape of each block are:
: Number of workers started per node, which corresponds to the number of tasks that can execute concurrently on a node.nodes_per_block
: Number of nodes requested per block.
Parsl supports the use of one or more executors as specified in the configuration. In this situation, individual apps may indicate which executors they are able to use.
The common scenarios for this feature are:
A workflow has an initial simulation stage that runs on the compute heavy nodes of an HPC system followed by an analysis and visualization stage that is better suited for GPU nodes.
A workflow follows a repeated fan-out, fan-in model where the long running fan-out tasks are computed on a cluster and the quick fan-in computation is better suited for execution using threads on a login node.
A workflow includes apps that wait and evaluate the results of a computation to determine whether the app should be relaunched. Only apps running on threads may launch other apps. Often, simulations have stochastic behavior and may terminate before completion. In such cases, having a wrapper app that checks the exit code and determines whether or not the app has completed successfully can be used to automatically re-execute the app (possibly from a checkpoint) until successful completion.
The following code snippet shows how apps can specify suitable executors in the app decorator.
#(CPU heavy app) (CPU heavy app) (CPU heavy app) <--- Run on compute queue
# | | |
# (data) (data) (data)
# \ | /
# (Analysis and visualization phase) <--- Run on GPU node
# A mock molecular dynamics simulation app
def MD_Sim(arg, outputs=()):
return "MD_simulate {} -o {}".format(arg, outputs[0])
# Visualize results from the mock MD simulation app
def visualize(inputs=(), outputs=()):
bash_array = " ".join(inputs)
return "viz {} -o {}".format(bash_array, outputs[0])