
class parsl.data_provider.file_noop.NoOpFileStaging[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.



Initialize self.


Given a File object, decide if this staging provider can stage the file.


Like can_stage_in, but for staging out.

replace_task(dm, executor, file, func)

For a file to be staged in, optionally return a replacement app function, which usually should be the original app function wrapped in staging code.

replace_task_stage_out(dm, executor, file, func)

For a file to be staged out, optionally return a replacement app function, which usually should be the original app function wrapped in staging code.

stage_in(dm, executor, file, parent_fut)

This call gives the staging provider an opportunity to prepare for stage-in and to launch arbitrary tasks which must complete as part of stage-in.

stage_out(dm, executor, file, app_fu)

This call gives the staging provider an opportunity to prepare for stage-out and to launch arbitrary tasks which must complete as part of stage-out.