(hub_address: str, hub_port: Optional[int] = None, hub_port_range: Tuple[int, int] = (55050, 56000), client_address: str = '', client_port_range: Tuple[int, int] = (55000, 56000), workflow_name: Optional[str] = None, workflow_version: Optional[str] = None, logging_endpoint: str = 'sqlite:///monitoring.db', logdir: Optional[str] = None, monitoring_debug: bool = False, resource_monitoring_enabled: bool = True, resource_monitoring_interval: float = 30)[source]¶ -
(hub_address: str, hub_port: Optional[int] = None, hub_port_range: Tuple[int, int] = (55050, 56000), client_address: str = '', client_port_range: Tuple[int, int] = (55000, 56000), workflow_name: Optional[str] = None, workflow_version: Optional[str] = None, logging_endpoint: str = 'sqlite:///monitoring.db', logdir: Optional[str] = None, monitoring_debug: bool = False, resource_monitoring_enabled: bool = True, resource_monitoring_interval: float = 30)[source]¶ - Parameters
hub_address (str) – The ip address at which the workers will be able to reach the Hub.
hub_port (int) – The specific port at which workers will be able to reach the Hub via UDP. Default: None
hub_port_range (tuple(int, int)) – The MonitoringHub picks ports at random from the range which will be used by Hub. This is overridden when the hub_port option is set. Default: (55050, 56000)
client_address (str) – The ip address at which the dfk will be able to reach Hub. Default: “”
client_port_range (tuple(int, int)) – The MonitoringHub picks ports at random from the range which will be used by Hub. Default: (55000, 56000)
workflow_name (str) – The name for the workflow. Default to the name of the parsl script
workflow_version (str) – The version of the workflow. Default to the beginning datetime of the parsl script
logging_endpoint (str) – The database connection url for monitoring to log the information. These URLs follow RFC-1738, and can include username, password, hostname, database name. Default: ‘sqlite:///monitoring.db’
logdir (str) – Parsl log directory paths. Logs and temp files go here. Default: ‘.’
monitoring_debug (Bool) – Enable monitoring debug logging. Default: False
resource_monitoring_enabled (boolean) – Set this field to True to enable logging the info of resource usage of each task. Default: True
resource_monitoring_interval (float) – The time interval, in seconds, at which the monitoring records the resource usage of each task. Default: 30 seconds
(hub_address[, hub_port, …])- param hub_address
The ip address at which the workers will be able to reach the Hub.
(f, task_id, …)Internal Wrap the Parsl app with a function that will call the monitor function and point it at the correct pid when the task begins.
(mtype, message)start