
class parsl.providers.CondorProvider(nodes_per_block: int = 1, cores_per_slot: int | None = None, mem_per_slot: float | None = None, init_blocks: int = 1, min_blocks: int = 0, max_blocks: int = 1, parallelism: float = 1, environment: Dict[str, str] | None = None, project: str = '', scheduler_options: str = '', transfer_input_files: List[str] = [], walltime: str = '00:10:00', worker_init: str = '', launcher: Launcher = SingleNodeLauncher(debug=True, fail_on_any=False), requirements: str = '', cmd_timeout: int = 60, cmd_chunk_size: int = 100)[source]

HTCondor Execution Provider.

  • nodes_per_block (int) – Nodes to provision per block.

  • cores_per_slot (int) – Specify the number of cores to provision per slot. If set to None, executors will assume all cores on the node are available for computation. Default is None.

  • mem_per_slot (float) – Specify the real memory to provision per slot in GB. If set to None, no explicit request to the scheduler will be made. Default is None.

  • init_blocks (int) – Number of blocks to provision at time of initialization

  • min_blocks (int) – Minimum number of blocks to maintain

  • max_blocks (int) – Maximum number of blocks to maintain.

  • parallelism (float) – Ratio of provisioned task slots to active tasks. A parallelism value of 1 represents aggressive scaling where as many resources as possible are used; parallelism close to 0 represents the opposite situation in which as few resources as possible (i.e., min_blocks) are used.

  • environment (dict of str) – A dictionary of environmant variable name and value pairs which will be set before running a task.

  • project (str) – Project which the job will be charged against

  • scheduler_options (str) – String to add specific condor attributes to the HTCondor submit script.

  • transfer_input_files (list(str)) – List of strings of paths to additional files or directories to transfer to the job

  • worker_init (str) – Command to be run before starting a worker.

  • requirements (str) – Condor requirements.

  • launcher (Launcher) – Launcher for this provider. Possible launchers include SingleNodeLauncher (the default),

  • cmd_timeout (int) – Timeout for commands made to the scheduler in seconds.

  • cmd_chunk_size (int) – Calls to the scheduler will be made for chunks of blocks with this size.

__init__(nodes_per_block: int = 1, cores_per_slot: int | None = None, mem_per_slot: float | None = None, init_blocks: int = 1, min_blocks: int = 0, max_blocks: int = 1, parallelism: float = 1, environment: Dict[str, str] | None = None, project: str = '', scheduler_options: str = '', transfer_input_files: List[str] = [], walltime: str = '00:10:00', worker_init: str = '', launcher: Launcher = SingleNodeLauncher(debug=True, fail_on_any=False), requirements: str = '', cmd_timeout: int = 60, cmd_chunk_size: int = 100) None[source]


__init__([nodes_per_block, cores_per_slot, ...])


Cancels the jobs specified by a list of job IDs.

execute_wait(cmd[, timeout])


Get the status of a list of jobs identified by their ids.

submit(command, tasks_per_node[, job_name])

Submits the command onto an Local Resource Manager job.



Number of cores to provision per node.


Provides the label for this provider


Real memory to provision per node in GB.


Returns the interval, in seconds, at which the status method should be called.


Cancels the jobs specified by a list of job IDs.


job_ids (list of str) – The job IDs to cancel.


Each entry in the list will be True if the job is cancelled succesfully, otherwise False.

Return type:

list of bool


Get the status of a list of jobs identified by their ids.


job_ids (list of int) – Identifiers of jobs for which the status will be returned.


Status codes for the requested jobs.

Return type:

List of int

property status_polling_interval[source]

Returns the interval, in seconds, at which the status method should be called.


the number of seconds to wait between calls to status()

submit(command, tasks_per_node, job_name='parsl.condor')[source]

Submits the command onto an Local Resource Manager job.

example file with the complex case of multiple submits per job:

Universe =vanilla output = out.$(Cluster).$(Process) error = err.$(Cluster).$(Process) log = log.$(Cluster) leave_in_queue = true executable = queue 5 executable = foo queue 1

$ condor_submit test.sub Submitting job(s)…… 5 job(s) submitted to cluster 118907. 1 job(s) submitted to cluster 118908.

  • command (str) – Command to execute

  • job_name (str) – Job name prefix.

  • tasks_per_node (int) – command invocations to be launched per node


None if at capacity and cannot provision more; otherwise the identifier for the job.

Return type:

None or str