Reference guide

parsl.set_stream_logger Add a stream log handler.
parsl.set_file_logger Add a stream log handler. Decorator function for making python apps. Decorator function for making bash apps. A datafuture points at an AppFuture.
parsl.config.Config Specification of Parsl configuration options.
parsl.dataflow.futures.AppFuture An AppFuture wraps a sequence of Futures which may fail and be retried.
parsl.dataflow.dflow.DataFlowKernelLoader Manage which DataFlowKernel is active.
parsl.data_provider.data_manager.DataManager The DataManager is responsible for transferring input and output data.
parsl.data_provider.data_manager.Staging This class defines the interface for file staging providers.
parsl.data_provider.files.File The Parsl File Class.
parsl.executors.base.ParslExecutor Define the strict interface for all Executor classes.
parsl.executors.ThreadPoolExecutor A thread-based executor.
parsl.executors.IPyParallelExecutor The IPython Parallel executor.
parsl.executors.ipp_controller.Controller Start and maintain a IPythonParallel controller.
parsl.executors.HighThroughputExecutor Executor designed for cluster-scale
parsl.executors.WorkQueueExecutor Executor to use Work Queue batch system
parsl.executors.ExtremeScaleExecutor Executor designed for leadership class supercomputer scale
parsl.executors.swift_t.TurbineExecutor The Turbine executor.
parsl.channels.LocalChannel This is not even really a channel, since opening a local shell is not heavy and done so infrequently that they do not need a persistent channel
parsl.channels.SSHChannel SSH persistent channel.
parsl.channels.OAuthSSHChannel SSH persistent channel.
parsl.channels.SSHInteractiveLoginChannel SSH persistent channel.
parsl.providers.AdHocProvider Ad-hoc execution provider
parsl.providers.AWSProvider A provider for using Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) resources.
parsl.providers.CobaltProvider Cobalt Execution Provider
parsl.providers.CondorProvider HTCondor Execution Provider.
parsl.providers.GoogleCloudProvider A provider for using resources from the Google Compute Engine.
parsl.providers.GridEngineProvider A provider for the Grid Engine scheduler.
parsl.providers.LocalProvider Local Execution Provider
parsl.providers.LSFProvider LSF Execution Provider
parsl.providers.GridEngineProvider A provider for the Grid Engine scheduler.
parsl.providers.SlurmProvider Slurm Execution Provider
parsl.providers.TorqueProvider Torque Execution Provider
parsl.providers.KubernetesProvider Kubernetes execution provider :param namespace: Kubernetes namespace to create deployments.
parsl.providers.PBSProProvider PBS Pro Execution Provider
parsl.launchers.SimpleLauncher Does no wrapping.
parsl.launchers.SingleNodeLauncher Worker launcher that wraps the user’s command with the framework to launch multiple command invocations in parallel.
parsl.launchers.SrunLauncher Worker launcher that wraps the user’s command with the SRUN launch framework to launch multiple cmd invocations in parallel on a single job allocation.
parsl.launchers.AprunLauncher Worker launcher that wraps the user’s command with the Aprun launch framework to launch multiple cmd invocations in parallel on a single job allocation
parsl.launchers.SrunMPILauncher Launches as many workers as MPI tasks to be executed concurrently within a block.
parsl.launchers.GnuParallelLauncher Worker launcher that wraps the user’s command with the framework to launch multiple command invocations via GNU parallel sshlogin.
parsl.launchers.MpiExecLauncher Worker launcher that wraps the user’s command with the framework to launch multiple command invocations via mpiexec.
parsl.launchers.JsrunLauncher Worker launcher that wraps the user’s command with the Jsrun launch framework to launch multiple cmd invocations in parallel on a single job allocation
parsl.monitoring.MonitoringHub An error raised during formatting of a bash function. An error raised during execution of an app. An error raised during execution of an app. An error raised during execution of an app when it exceeds its allotted walltime. Error raised due to bad filepaths specified for STDOUT/ STDERR. Bash app returned no string. Error raised at the end of app execution due to missing output files. An invalid app type was requested from the @App decorator. Error raised at the end of app execution due to missing output files. A non future item was passed to a function that expected a future. Base class for all exceptions.
parsl.executors.errors.ControllerError Error raise by IPP controller.
parsl.executors.errors.ExecutorError Base class for all exceptions.
parsl.executors.errors.ScalingFailed Scaling failed due to error in Execution provider.
parsl.executors.errors.InsufficientMPIRanks Error raised when attempting to launch a MPI worker pool with less than 2 ranks
parsl.executors.errors.DeserializationError Failure at the Deserialization of results/exceptions from remote workers
parsl.executors.errors.BadMessage Mangled/Poorly formatted/Unsupported message received
parsl.executors.exceptions.ExecutorException Base class for all exceptions.
parsl.executors.exceptions.TaskExecException Task execution raised an error in the remote process.
parsl.dataflow.error.DataFlowException Base class for all exceptions.
parsl.dataflow.error.ConfigurationError Raised when the DataFlowKernel receives an invalid configuration.
parsl.dataflow.error.DuplicateTaskError Raised by the DataFlowKernel when it finds that a job with the same task-id has been launched before.
parsl.dataflow.error.MissingFutError Raised when a particular future is not found within the dataflowkernel’s datastructures.
parsl.dataflow.error.BadCheckpoint Error raised at the end of app execution due to missing output files.
parsl.dataflow.error.DependencyError Error raised at the end of app execution due to missing output files.
parsl.launchers.error.BadLauncher Error raised when a non callable object is provider as Launcher
parsl.providers.error.ExecutionProviderException Base class for all exceptions Only to be invoked when only a more specific error is not available.
parsl.providers.error.OptionalModuleMissing Error raised a required module is missing for a optional/extra provider
parsl.providers.error.ChannelRequired Execution provider requires a channel.
parsl.providers.error.ScaleOutFailed Generic catch.
parsl.providers.error.SchedulerMissingArgs Error raised when the template used to compose the submit script to the local resource manager is missing required arguments
parsl.providers.error.ScriptPathError Error raised when the template used to compose the submit script to the local resource manager is missing required arguments
parsl.channels.errors.ChannelError Base class for all exceptions
parsl.channels.errors.BadHostKeyException SSH channel could not be created since server’s host keys could not be verified
parsl.channels.errors.BadScriptPath An error raised during execution of an app.
parsl.channels.errors.BadPermsScriptPath User does not have permissions to access the script_dir on the remote site
parsl.channels.errors.FileExists Push or pull of file over channel fails since a file of the name already exists on the destination.
parsl.channels.errors.AuthException An error raised during execution of an app.
parsl.channels.errors.SSHException if there was any other error connecting or establishing an SSH session
parsl.channels.errors.FileCopyException File copy operation failed
parsl.executors.high_throughput.errors.WorkerLost Exception raised when a worker is lost