
class parsl.providers.CondorProvider(channel: parsl.channels.base.Channel = LocalChannel( envs={}, script_dir=None, userhome='/home/docs/checkouts/' ), nodes_per_block: int = 1, cores_per_slot: Optional[int] = None, mem_per_slot: Optional[float] = None, init_blocks: int = 1, min_blocks: int = 0, max_blocks: int = 10, parallelism: float = 1, environment: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, project: str = '', scheduler_options: str = '', transfer_input_files: List[str] = [], walltime: str = '00:10:00', worker_init: str = '', launcher: parsl.launchers.launchers.Launcher = SingleNodeLauncher(), requirements: str = '', cmd_timeout: int = 60)[source]

HTCondor Execution Provider.

  • channel (Channel) – Channel for accessing this provider. Possible channels include LocalChannel (the default), SSHChannel, or SSHInteractiveLoginChannel.
  • nodes_per_block (int) – Nodes to provision per block.
  • cores_per_slot (int) – Specify the number of cores to provision per slot. If set to None, executors will assume all cores on the node are available for computation. Default is None.
  • mem_per_slot (float) – Specify the real memory to provision per slot in GB. If set to None, no explicit request to the scheduler will be made. Default is None.
  • init_blocks (int) – Number of blocks to provision at time of initialization
  • min_blocks (int) – Minimum number of blocks to maintain
  • max_blocks (int) – Maximum number of blocks to maintain.
  • parallelism (float) – Ratio of provisioned task slots to active tasks. A parallelism value of 1 represents aggressive scaling where as many resources as possible are used; parallelism close to 0 represents the opposite situation in which as few resources as possible (i.e., min_blocks) are used.
  • environment (dict of str) – A dictionary of environmant variable name and value pairs which will be set before running a task.
  • project (str) – Project which the job will be charged against
  • scheduler_options (str) – String to add specific condor attributes to the HTCondor submit script.
  • transfer_input_files (list(str)) – List of strings of paths to additional files or directories to transfer to the job
  • worker_init (str) – Command to be run before starting a worker.
  • requirements (str) – Condor requirements.
  • launcher (Launcher) – Launcher for this provider. Possible launchers include SingleNodeLauncher (the default),
  • cmd_timeout (int) – Timeout for commands made to the scheduler in seconds
__init__(channel: parsl.channels.base.Channel = LocalChannel( envs={}, script_dir=None, userhome='/home/docs/checkouts/' ), nodes_per_block: int = 1, cores_per_slot: Optional[int] = None, mem_per_slot: Optional[float] = None, init_blocks: int = 1, min_blocks: int = 0, max_blocks: int = 10, parallelism: float = 1, environment: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, project: str = '', scheduler_options: str = '', transfer_input_files: List[str] = [], walltime: str = '00:10:00', worker_init: str = '', launcher: parsl.launchers.launchers.Launcher = SingleNodeLauncher(), requirements: str = '', cmd_timeout: int = 60) → None[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(channel, script_dir=None, …) Initialize self.
cancel(job_ids) Cancels the jobs specified by a list of job IDs.
execute_wait(cmd[, timeout])
status(job_ids) Get the status of a list of jobs identified by their ids.
submit(command, tasks_per_node[, job_name]) Submits the command onto an Local Resource Manager job.


current_capacity Returns the currently provisioned blocks.
label Provides the label for this provider